Responsibility of Author
- Authors must present the result of thought or research article clearly, honestly, without plagiarism and manipulation of data in accordance with the template JPDR.
- The author is responsible for the confirmation which was filed on articles that have been written.
- Authors must comply with the requirements of the publication of the work in the form of originality, not plagiarism, and has never been published in journals or other publications.
- Authors should indicate the reference of the opinions and work of others cited.
- Authors must write a script or articles are ethical, honest, and responsible in accordance with the applicable rules of scientific authorship.
- Author are prohibited from sending or publishing the same article to more than one journal or publication.
- Author does not mind if the manuscript editing experience without changing the substance of the article or the main idea.
Responsibility of Editor
- Editor responsible for drawing up a decent article published by the editorial board meeting.
- Editor guided by the policy of the editorial board of the journal and are limited by applicable legal requirements regarding libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism.
- In the process of acceptance of the article, a team of editors to use the principle of similarity of treatment.
- In the process of decision reviewed journals and publications (articles), the editorial team is not ethnicity, religion, race and inter-group writer.
- Editors and editorial team will not reveal any information about the script or articles that enter except by permission of the author.
- Manuscripts (articles) are not published in editions running, if they meet the eligibility and in accordance with the scope of JPDR will published in the next edition.
- Manuscripts (articles) are not in accordance with the scope of JPDR will be returned to the author.
Responsibilities of Reviewers
- Reviewers assist the editor in making editorial decisions on manuscripts or articles that enter.
- Reviewers responsible for the recommendation that reviewed articles.
- Review the script is done objectively and supported by clear arguments.
- Reviewers are responsible for quotations, references and plagiarism on articles reviewed.
- Reviewers keep confidential information for personal gain.