Focus and Scope
The purpose of this journal is to publish scientific works for Indonesian and overseas lecturers, researchers, students, and practitioners to present new ideas, concepts and theories in Indonesian language and literature education such as:
- The result of research development of language learning and Indonesian literature.
- The result of experimental research of language education and Indonesian literature.
- The result of class action research of language teaching and Indonesian literature.
- The result of research of language and Indonesian literature.
- The result of research on linguistics analysis and literary analysis.
The industrial revolution 4.0 was marked by the presence of four things, namely super computers, artificial intelligence, cyber systems, robots, artificial intelligence, machine learning, biotechnology, blockchain, internet of things (IoT), driverless vehicles. and manufacturing collaboration. Thus competencies are needed that are able to offset the presence of these four things in the era of Education 4.0.
- Learning Curriculum: the ability to integrate a variety of resources that have to have connectivity in the mastery of technology, communication, and big data to produce 'smart products' and' smart services.
- Learning Strategies such as: creation of tools that are able to be used to accurately prove hypotheses that are constructed by science abstractions. innovation is no longer just run on a "single product" to add newness value to the product, but innovation is done on "many products" (multiproduct) to be folded into one product. Collaboration with new designs such as problem-based learning, inquiry-based learning, learning approaches for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM), and various other learning approaches.
- Learning Assessment: cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. Based on 4.0, 5.0 (improving the quality of human resources, which can elaborate on science, life skills, and mastery of information technology.)
- Digitizing literature, new literary theories, applied literature (Five of them are sexopragmatic literature, literary teopragmatics, gastropragmatic literature, cosmopragmatic literature, and cryptopragmatic literature.)
- Linguistics: Sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, anthropolinguistics, ethnolinguistics, stylistics, philology, dialectology, LHK, language philosophy, psychopragmatics, agrolinguistics, linguistic enginering, forensic linguistics and neurolinguistics.
- Applied linguistics covers the fields of: language teaching, translation, lexicology, applied phonetics, applied sociolinguistics, international language development, special language development, medical linguistics, mechanolinguistics.
- Lexicography, including methods and techniques for developing dictionaries.
- Applied phonetics, including the method and technique of pronouncing sounds correctly, for example to train people who stutter, to train drama players, and so on.
- Applied sociolinguistics, including the use of sociolinguistic insights for practical purposes, such as language planning, language development, eradication of illiteracy, and so on.
- International language coaching, including efforts to create communication and international understanding by compiling artificial languages such as Esperanto.
- Special language development, including the preparation of terms and language power in special fields, including in the military, in the world of aviation, in the world of shipping.
- Medical linguistics, helping the field of pathology in terms of healing language defects.